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ascDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
15:30, 6 August 2014 Figure 3.11 - Insolation, EPICA Dome C delta-D and ice core dust, and marine oxygen isotope record.png (file) 333 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:30, 6 August 2014 Figure 2.6 - Nitrate concentration at GD09 and JJA Macquarie Island-Scott Base MSLP gradient.png (file) 47 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:30, 6 August 2014 Figure 2.17 - Phytoplankton bloom off South Georgia.png (file) 153 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:30, 6 August 2014 Figure 2.10 - Autosub-2.png (file) 145 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:30, 6 August 2014 Figure 5.3 - Surface temperature trends for 1960-2000 for winter (JJA) for the MPI ECHAM5 model.png (file) 340 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:30, 6 August 2014 Figure 5.2 - Temperature trends for 1960-2000 for winter (JJA).png (file) 145 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:30, 6 August 2014 Figure 5.18 - UMISM model ice thickness and surface elevation changes for the Amundsen Sea sector.png (file) 116 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:30, 6 August 2014 Figure 5.15(ii) - Sea surface salinity change for summer and winter, between 2000 and 2100.png (file) 133 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:30, 6 August 2014 Figure 5.10 - 21st century change in days with precipitation exceeding five times the daily mean.png (file) 172 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:30, 6 August 2014 Figure 4.7b - Vorticity variance for winter 1958-2002.png (file) 78 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:30, 6 August 2014 Figure 4.61 - Antarctic flowering plants - Deschampsia antarctica and Colobanthus quitensis.png (file) 221 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:30, 6 August 2014 Figure 4.56 - Annual mean uptake of air-sea CO2 fluxes as calculated from OPA-PISCES 1990-1999.png (file) 218 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:30, 6 August 2014 Figure 4.47 - Temporal change of krill and salps.png (file) 125 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:30, 6 August 2014 Figure 4.34 - Antarctic ice sheet elevation change measured by satellite altimetry.png (file) 199 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:30, 6 August 2014 Figure 4.32 - Southern hemisphere regional sea ice extent monthly anomalies and trend lines.png (file) 229 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:30, 6 August 2014 Figure 4.2 - Seasonal values of the SAM index calculated from station data.png (file) 35 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:30, 6 August 2014 Figure 4.25 - Amundsen Sea bathymetric chart and hydrographic stations of different cruises.png (file) 343 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:30, 6 August 2014 Figure 4.14 - South pole ozone profiles.png (file) 73 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:30, 6 August 2014 Figure 4.12 - Annual Antarctic snowfall accumulation anomalies.png (file) 11 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:30, 6 August 2014 Figure 3.16 - Relative sea level curve for the Ross Sea based on radiocarbon dates.png (file) 87 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:30, 6 August 2014 Figure 3.10 - Accurately dated Antarctic ice-core records and the comparison with sea level proxies.png (file) 118 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:30, 6 August 2014 Figure 2.8 - Sodium May-July anomalies, 1300-1995.png (file) 46 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:30, 6 August 2014 Figure 2.36 - Primary regionalisation of the Southern Ocean.png (file) 116 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:30, 6 August 2014 Figure 2.27 - Variation in active layer thickness at Marble Point, 1999-2006.png (file) 54 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:30, 6 August 2014 Figure 2.22 - Speed of Bindschadler and MacAyeal Ice Streams, West Antarctica.png (file) 576 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:30, 6 August 2014 Figure 2.16 - Schematic of a single ICESat repeat track.png (file) 84 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:30, 6 August 2014 Figure 1.6 - Antarctic ice sheet balance velocity.png (file) 259 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:30, 6 August 2014 Figure 1.16 - Classification of macro-benthic communities on the continental Antarctic shelf.png (file) 117 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:31, 6 August 2014 Figure 5.5 - Mean regression of the leading EOF of ensemble mean SH sea level pressure.png (file) 146 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:31, 6 August 2014 Figure 5.28 - Suspension washed into the ocean east of the Antarctic Peninsula.png (file) 57 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:31, 6 August 2014 Figure 5.26 - The influence of ice scour on fauna in the shallows at Adelaide Island.png (file) 80 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:31, 6 August 2014 Figure 5.1 - Projected global annual CO2 emissions, 1990-2100, used to run models for the IPCC AR4.png (file) 105 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:31, 6 August 2014 Figure 5.19 - Projected sea-level rise for the Twenty First Century.png (file) 134 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:31, 6 August 2014 Figure 5.16 - Twenty First Century sea ice seasonal concentration change.png (file) 171 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:31, 6 August 2014 Figure 4.53 - Physiological temperature adaptation of Antarctic macroalgae.png (file) 18 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:31, 6 August 2014 Figure 4.49 - Temperature effects on aquatic animals.png (file) 95 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:31, 6 August 2014 Figure 4.40 - Water masses in the Antarctic coastal zone.png (file) 143 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:31, 6 August 2014 Figure 4.39 - Recent and longer term thinning of the Amundsen Sea Embayment sector ice sheet.png (file) 271 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:31, 6 August 2014 Figure 4.36 - Change in Antarctic Peninsula glaciers over time and by latitude.png (file) 171 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:31, 6 August 2014 Figure 4.15 - The annual cycle of ozone in 2006 at Neumayer.png (file) 130 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:31, 6 August 2014 Figure 3.9 - Main climatic events of the last 1 Million years in the Antarctic context.png (file) 61 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:31, 6 August 2014 Figure 3.4 - Maps showing the progressive separation of Antarctica and the other continents.png (file) 161 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:31, 6 August 2014 Figure 3.20 - Signals of climate change in ice core records from Siple Dome and Law Dome.png (file) 289 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:31, 6 August 2014 Figure 2.9 - Water sampler-CTD package.png (file) 196 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:31, 6 August 2014 Figure 2.5 - The weighting functions for channels 4-14 of the AMSU-A instrument.png (file) 60 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:31, 6 August 2014 Figure 2.34 - Nested grids, with ice thickness fields, for the UMISM.png (file) 315 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:31, 6 August 2014 Figure 2.24 - Composite of the Antarctic ice sheet surface speed.png (file) 279 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:31, 6 August 2014 Figure 1.9 - Meridional section through the Southern Ocean overturning circulation.png (file) 38 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:31, 6 August 2014 Figure 1.5 - Antarctic ice thickness.png (file) 347 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1
15:31, 6 August 2014 Figure 1.1b - Map of Antarctic stations.png (file) 210 KB Maintenance script Uploaded by import script 1

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